Keratin Hair Extension System
Today Hair Extension method is so much different from earlier because silicon adhesive is generally used in old methot when we apply extension.
Today new extension tecniques come up. Keratin extension system is the new popular system.
In our Sach Company Center keratin extensions divided in two types,
1- U-type Keratin (U-type Keratin)
2 – Flat type Keratin (flat keratin)
customers ask many questions about keratin extension method , one of them is ;
How can we apply keratin hair extension?
Firstly , In Keration Hair extension method, bulk hair pinches are prepared with keratin extension carefully.
Hairs are fastened to customer hair by using keratin extension heat machine.
Most important point is how can we apply extension system ? Actually, most of the extension system can be used carefully.
If you want to extend your hair , we absolutely advise us to take information about extension before appication. There were many hair extension center
in social media and websites and variety of price offer.
In extension systems there are different prices offers because extension systems are different from each other and gram is important because it changes one person to another.
In internet peopler offer us reasonable prices but if price is so low for normal conditions it isn’t reliable for us because there is a possibility to damage your hair.
The most important thing is If you don’t have any connection with hair experts about your hair , you can have problem later.
In our Sach Hair Center % 100 natural Human Hair is used and is sold. Murat Kolukırık and Berat Kolukırık are our professional hair experts.
Firstly , we analise your hair type and advise us best hair extension system according to hair type and your hair density.
Another important question is ;
Does keratin extension system damage hair ?
Keratin Hair System doesn’t damage your hair and it doesn’t absolutely contain any harmful thing for human health, you trust us about your hair.
If you want to take many information about keratin extensions and our other extension systems you can contact with us our call center
444 3 671 & Whatsapp +90 532 592 8842
You can find important videos about Keratin Extension , Micro Tape Extension, Micro Extension system and other extensions systems applications.
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